Saturday, September 22, 2007

Snackerday again!

Here is the lovely Coco showing you how to proceed this Snackerday and reminding you that snacks can sometimes be found in unlikely places...

Friday, September 21, 2007


Here are some random cuddle babies to send you some love!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bunny Lover

This is Bambam snuggling Wiggles after her emergency surgery. Wiggles is doing much better now, gladly, and they're still in bunny love.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

bunny snuggles

Here are Bandit and Holly to show us some extra special bunny love on the hump day. (Yeah I posted twice today, whatchya gonna do about it?)

Ringo Starr

Here's Ali's cutie Ringo to show you just how happy a headtilt rabbit can be! He's so cute :D

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another Loss

Another bunny has passed on. This is Herman. He's an English Lop and he was a very sweet boy who would give his mom kisses in hopes of craisins. He was full of character and life and he will be dearly missed. Here's what his mom said about what happened.

"today, this morning, i called into work because i was feeling extremely ill. herman was feeling worse. within hours of me realizing he was ill, he started have seizures and passed away before i could even get him to the vet.i have decided not to take his body to the vet. . . i just can't bear to have that done. i personaly wouldn't have it done to my body, and therefore can't justify doing it to his. my mom just came and picked him up to bury him at the farmhouse just my amazment, winnie is fine. she almost seems reliefed that he is gone, which makes me think that he was really sick, and that she knew just hurts soo much, i can't even breath. it feels like just yesterday he was running around the house begging for a craisin, and bringing a smile to my face, and now he is gone. my herman is gone. my heart, it is broken, and i am not sure it will ever be whole again.i just can't think, i can't breath. . . i can't coupe with this today, and wait for the pain to dull with time.please don't offer me prayers, or tell me herman is in heaven waiting for me, because i don't believe in heaven. instead, go to your bunnies, and give them a huge for me, because i can't hug my herman ever again. enjoy them today, in this moment, because time is so fragile and you never know when they will be gone."

Rest in Peace Herman

Monday, September 17, 2007

Who's her hairdresser?

Here's some extra special cuteness on a nasty Monday in the form of Daisey Mae!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


This lil' cutie is named Maddie. She's one of Michaela's sweet lady team. She'll show you how to snooze with panache on this snoozeday!