Some of you may remember Happy near the start of this blog. Leonard (the owner) e-mailed me to inform me of Happy's passing. I think that he worded his grief and the progression many first time bunny owners go through (me too) in the love of their new companions. To quote him:
"When we found Happy, I, like many other people may feel that they have just found a pet, an animal somewhere at the bottom the life's hierarchy. And that's how it started, but as time grew and Happy got healthier and spirited, something wonderful happened - a man and a bunny began to bond. He became a best friend even though he could not speak and I could not recipociate.With his loss, I feel a part of me is lost but with his passing, his spirit lives through us. Happy is a wonderful testament of a spirit and well-loved bunny. My wife and I will always love Happy. "
Binky free Happy and know that you are missed...